#mentalhealth Tag

What is EMDR

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing therapy, or EMDR, is a set of standardized protocols that incorporate elements from many different treatment approaches. It has been researched extensively and proven effective for the treatment of trauma. What Issues Can EMDR Treat? EMDR is used to treat a variety of mental health issues including: - Panic attacks- Complicated grief- Dissociative disorders- Disturbing memories- Phobias-...

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The Impact of Grief on Relationships

Experiencing the death of a loved one is one of the most painful things each person must face. The shock of your beloved friend or family member having passed away, along with the finality of their death is difficult to deal with. Everyone Mourns Differently The process of mourning is a very personal experience. Because grief is so personal, each person reacts differently...

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Yes, New Fathers Suffer from Depression Too!

Having a baby is an event that typically brings a lot of joy and excitement for couples. However, roughly 60% of new mothers suffer from postpartum depression (PPD), with symptoms being either moderate or severe. Fortunately, PPD is a common health issue with much discussion and content outlining the symptoms and treatment. What’s not commonly discussed is that new fathers can absolutely...

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3 Busted Myths About Recovering Addicts

Addiction is complex. And because of this complexity, there tend to be a lot of opinions, and yes, even myths surrounding it. In my practice, I have spoken to many addicts and loved ones of addicts, and I have found the same questions come up over and over again. Unfortunately, I am also aware that these myths and questions stand in the...

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Why Did I Feel Fine Yesterday? The Causes of Depression

With 322 million people suffering with depression worldwide, it's not surprising to learn that in America, depression is among the most common mental disorders. The cause of depression is often simplified as a chemical imbalance in the brain, but the reality is that the disease is far more complicated. Scientific research has yet to completely understand the biology of depression. According...

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3 Ways to Overcome Self-Doubt

Self-doubt can be debilitating. It can hold you back from pursuing your dreams and living the life you really want. Self-doubt can also make it hard to complete necessary daily tasks and make simple decisions. The good news is, it is possible to overcome self-doubt and quiet that negative self-talk. Here’s how: 1. Take Charge Immediately When inner doubts start to creep up, many...

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Symptoms of Adult ADHD

A lot of discussion is given to childhood attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). But this behavioral issue greatly affects adults as well. While the exact cause of adult ADHD isn’t yet understood, recent research seems to indicate that genes and heredity, the foods we eat, and our environment play key roles. Many adults who are eventually diagnosed with ADHD have always “sensed”...

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Do I Have the Baby Blues or Postpartum Depression?

According to the American Pregnancy Association, 70-80% of all new mothers experience what’s called the “baby blues", while only 10% - 20% suffer from postpartum depression. With so many women experiencing some form of emotional upheaval after giving birth, why is there still so much confusion about the two? Samantha Meltzer-Brody, M.D., Associate Professor and Director of the Perinatal Psychiatry Program, UNC...

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